ECDA Training Award Recipient - Goh Ye Lee, Lauren

Ms Goh Le Yee, Laurene is an ECDA Training Award Recipient. The 20-year-old teacher at Star Learners @ Woodlands Pte Ltd completed her Diploma in Early Childhood Education at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

I truly found my passion for Early Childhood during my internship. The supervisors and teachers whom I met inspired me. They helped me realise the meaningfulness behind being an early childhood educator. They were very patient and dedicated in showing me the ropes. More importantly, the pride they had in their work showed me how an early childhood educator should carry herself. Since then, I remind myself to learn as much as I can, so that I can give the best to the children.

During my school days at Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), I joined the Young Advocating for the Younger (YAY) Club as Head of Events. The club advocates the empowerment and engagement of children, and one of the key events that I took charge of was ‘CareHut’, a 6-month long project where early childhood students from NP carried out weekly activities to engage primary school children from the student care centre. I also partnered Beyond Social Services to plan and organise an annual carnival for children from less privileged backgrounds. These experiences enriched my perspectives and helped me realise just how important a good foundation in life is.

During my school holidays, I would teach at different preschool centres whenever they needed additional help. It was a great way to spend the holidays, interacting with children while earning extra pocket money! I also got to put what I learnt into practice for example, how to maintain high hygiene standards in the centre and work better with parents. The positive feedback I received from my mentors and supervisors spurred me to do my job better.


As a beginning early childhood educator, I think it is extremely important to take initiative to chart my own learning and be receptive to feedback and ideas, so that I can improve professionally. Building positive relationship with my colleagues, supervisors and parents of the children is also critical so that we can come together to support the children.

It’s a little clichéd, but becoming an early childhood educator has made me a more mature and selfless person. When I see the children, I am reminded to appreciate the simple things in life and be contented with everything that I am blessed with. When I have gained enough experience as an educator, I hope to pursue a Degree in Early Childhood. My long-term goal is to reach out to children from less privileged backgrounds, and set up a centre that provides all children with quality early childhood care and education. In time to come, I hope to work with children in less privileged countries too.