
Early Years Development Framework

Early Years Development Framework
(EYDF) 2023

Click here to download EYDF 2023

The Early Years Development Framework (EYDF) guides early childhood educators working with children from birth to three years in centre-based childcare settings. It sets a clear direction for educators to support our children’s learning and development by adopting key guiding principles and developmentally appropriate practices. EYDF has been revised to be more child-centric, with a continued emphasis on holistic development and positive outcomes for children in the early years.

EYDF 2023 gives greater prominence to four areas of development, namely cognitive, communication and language, physical, and social and emotional. Developmental goals for infants and toddlers are provided to serve as a reference in designing the learning environment and planning developmentally appropriate learning experiences. EYDF 2023 also outlines five principles, encapsulated in the acronym C.H.I.L.D, to guide educators in the implementation of meaningful experiences and influence the way they interact with children.

The EYDF 2023 (Chinese Language) will be available in April 2025.

EYDF 2023 (Chinese Language)

The Early Years Development Framework
(EYDF) Educators’ Guide

Early Years Development Framework (EYDF) Educators’ Guide (EG)


The Early Years Development Framework (EYDF) Educators’ Guide (EG) has been reviewed and updated to help educators translate concepts into practice. With the revised EYDF, we hope that educators can:

  • Elevate their understanding and implementation of EYDF concepts through local examples and scenarios
  • Transform and enhance the quality of their daily interactions with infants and toddlers through suggested strategies and practices
  • Deepen their professional learning through reflection opportunities to improve current practices

The EYDF EG revised version will be available in April 2025.

For feedback and enquiries regarding the EYDF and its Educators’ Guide, please email: