
Master of Early C​hildhood Education, at Singapore University of Social Sciences [MECED]

Master of Early Childhood Education

Name of Programme Provider Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)1
  • Be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident aged 21 and above at the point of application.
  • Be an ECDA-certified L2 educator who meets the relevant skills and competencies required for at least a Senior Infant Educator, Senior Early Years Educator or Senior Preschool Educator2, as per the Occupational Title reflected in ONE@ECDA, and currently employed in the early childhood sector3.
  • Have an impressive academic record, which includes a good Bachelor’s degree or Diploma in ECCE, and have met SUSS’s admission requirements for the programme.
  • Have demonstrated strong leadership potential, been proactive in pursuing professional development and be strongly recommended by the nominating centre.
  • Not concurrently serving bond and/or holding any other scholarship, bursary or other forms of funding.
  • Not currently a Professional Development Programme (PDP), Skills Future Study Award (SFSA), Early Childhood Learning Communities (ECLC) and/or ECDA Fellow participant under ECDA.
  • Must have applied to the programme before applying for the Scholarship.
  • Must be accepted into the programme to be awarded the Scholarship.
  • 100% of programme fees capped at the fees payable by a Singapore Citizen4.
  • $2,000 one-off Learning Resource Allowance.
  • Up to $4,400 Centre Subsidy, which includes a minimum number of paid study leave.
  • $2,000 Study Bonus (to be given upon successful completion of the programme).
  • Additional professional development and networking opportunities provided by ECDA.
Terms and Conditions
  • To be employed in the nominating centre throughout the programme.
  • To maintain high professional standards throughout the Scholarship programme and be committed to partner the nominating centre and ECDA to chart your professional growth and contribution to the organization and early childhood sector.
  • To successfully complete the programme within 3 years and graduate from the programme according to the programme provider’s requirements.
Bond Period
  • 2 years in the early childhood sector, upon successful completion of the programme.


1Please refer to the programme details  here​.
2Please refer to the Skills Map under the Skills Framework for Early Childhood ​here.
3Early childhood sector refers to ECDA-registered/licensed preschools or MOE Kindergartens.​
4Programme fees after MOE/SSG subsidies and SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy for Singapore Citizens aged > 40 years old (if applicable). Please visit the SkillsFuture website at​​​ for more details​.