Beanstalk Issue 8 (Jul - Sep 2015)

Cover Beanstalk Jul to Sep 15

It's all about developing bilingualism in this issue of Beanstalk! Learn various strategies for fostering a love for multiple languages in young children and how to create a conducive bilingual environment for learning! Read about the EC sector's contribution to the community in Start Small Dream Big, and show your appreciation to our EC teachers through our #saytq2teachers initiative! Plus, a sneak preview to our Early Childhood Conference and Carnival 2015 in September! 


  1. COVER STORY - Back to your Roots
  2. IN THE NEWS - Blazing a Trail
  3. GIVING KUDOS - Fostering a Bilingual Learning, Look Who's Talking!
  4. EC LANDSCAPE - Dream Big, Reach for the StartsOff to a Good Start
  5. INNOVATION & RESEARCH - The Personal Touch
  6. MY TEACHER, MY SCHOOL - The Winning Formula, The Child's Choice
  8. THRIVE - Puppet PowerHappily Ever After, Fly Them to the MoonHari Raya's Here!
  9. LIFESTYLE - Budding Cultural Ambassadors
  10. MAILBAG - We've Got Mail!
  11. FUN TIMES - Dinosaur Power!
  12. SAY THANK YOU TO OUR TEACHERS! - Message to ParentsThank You CardPhoto Props 1Photo Props 2

Please click on the image below for the full PDF.

Cover Beanstalk Jul to Sep 15